The disposable curtains are manufactured by Elers Medical and can be used with all standard curtain rails. They are made of polypropylene and are 100% recyclable. Each curtain comes with hooks (removable) to facilitate the easy changing process. The curtains are also available in perforated version (50 cm with small holes in the upper part of the curtain). The advantage of perforated curtains is that they contribute to better light entry and air circulation. Do not hesitate to contact us, if you want help with what sizes your care unit needs!
- The curtains can be used with all standard curtain rails
- Hygienic
- Recyclable
- Flameproof
- Available in different colors, sizes and designs
- For more information, please contact us
Article numbers: (Product sheet with article numbers are available under downloadable files – only Swedish/Danish version available)
Draperier med perforation (översta 50 cm)
Heltäckande draperi (utan perforation)
Avtagbara krokar, som passar de allra flesta vanliga draperiskenor.
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